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How does it work?

Patching Plotly Dash

Dash Compose patches the dash.development.base_component.Component to provide three extra methods. This patching occurs as soon as Dash Compose is imported, and affects all Dash components (including third-party ones) since they are derived from this class.

  1. The __iadd__ method has been added to make it easier to add children to an existing Dash component. This method neatly handles the cases where the parent component has its children property set to None, a single value, or a list of values.
  2. The __enter__ and __exit__ methods have been added so that Dash components can be used as context managers. The __enter__ method returns the component itself for convenience. Both methods are heavily coupled to the composition decorator.

Tracking contexts

Within the composition function, a stack of components is maintained. Whenever a context is entered, the Dash component managing it is added to the stack. When it is exited, the component is removed from the stack. Maintenance of this context stack is a bit magical: The __enter__ and __exit__ methods use inspect to traverse Python's call stack upwards into the composition function so they can append and remove elements from it.

Interpreting compositions

Compositions are defined via user-supplied generator functions. However, these functions no longer return generator objects after the @composition decorator has been applied! Instead, they are transformed into ordinary functions that take the same inputs, and return the same outputs.

During this transformation, composition instantiates and exhausts the generator. In doing so, any yielded values are added as children to whichever Dash component is currently sitting at the top of the context stack, and the context stack is updated as contexts are entered and exited. The StopIteration exception is caught during this execution so that composition can return whatever value was returned by the user in their composition's generator function.